Please note: Evangelical Christian Academy now has a new name and look: Evangel Christian Academy. Read more here.

Deposits of Kindness

I enjoy bringing all the faculty and staff of ECA together once a month for an “All Hands” Meeting (I can’t help but use some Navy lingo). While together, I teach on some topic, then allow time for splitting into small groups to...

Education by the Word

On a recent visit to our Kindergarten, I was impressed with a roomful of happy and well-ordered students. I especially enjoyed a recitation of their many Bible verses. Their list of memory verses for the year includes 26 “alphabet” verses and about 30 more verses or...

Back in the Game

The recent campus closures due to the rash of illnesses was a very difficult, albeit necessary, measure. It was hard on our students for its impact on interactions and activities, on our parents for the changing of schedules, on our teachers for adjusting all their...

A Winning Team

It is nice to be on a winning team. As I type, I’m looking forward to our ECA volleyball match this Friday when I’ll have both of my daughters playing. And, we’ll be cheering for another win to add to their record. When I retired from the Navy in 2013, I entered a...

What’s Your Story?

I love stories. I especially love stories with complexity and texture, the kind that can only come from a good book. For it is the rich detail of a story that makes it more nuanced, more fascinating, more real. And as a parent and educator, I love how stories...

Seize Each Moment for Biblical Integration – Especially at Christmas

Helen and I are celebrating Christmas this year in a new and unusual way. Our children are grown and married, and we are enjoying special times with our three grandchildren when we are not quarantining. That is right, COVID-19 has thrown another wrinkle in our...

Ancient Scripture Still Informs Generations in the Strangest of Times: Even Today!

Dr. Jim Johnson, ECA Superintendent This Eagle’s View article is being written at a very rare time in American history; I write this on the morning two days after the 2020 U. S. presidential election day.  At this moment, the presidency is still undecided, as six...

More from the Blog

Is ECA Welcoming Enough?

Is ECA Welcoming Enough?

At ECA, we desire to be a welcoming place! But it is becoming increasingly challenging to find like-minded Christian families to partner with our school: In a denigrating world, more families are becoming curious about the Christian moral high road, which seems like a...

Lucia, ECA Elementary 4th Grader

Lucia, ECA Elementary 4th Grader

Write about a ‘Life Changing Event’ When I was in Pre-school and Pre-K I acted like the school V.I.P. and I liked it!  I loved my school too.  One example is that at recess there would be a basket, and inside the basket there would be plastic fish that we would fish...