Please note: Evangelical Christian Academy now has a new name and look: Evangel Christian Academy. Read more here.

Middle School/Logic

As any parent or teacher of a middle school student knows, this particular age is unique and filled with joys as well as challenges. So what does it look like at Evangel Christian Academy (ECA) to educate, equip and empower students of middle school age to pursue their purpose in Christ? In the world of Classical Education, this age and stage is called the Logic-level or dialectic-stage and is defined as learning to reason and understand the truth. Therefore students of this age transition from the grammar level of elementary school and start to work with information in new and different ways. The word dialectic is defined as “the art of investigating or discussing the truth of opinions”, and so the middle school classroom is a place of ideas, of investigation, of discussion, of asking and answering good questions, and of exploring God’s world and working to find what unites the facts and leads to an understanding of the truth.

Assitant Principal – Middle School

From the Assistant Principal – Middle School

Dear Prospective Parent,

Thank you for your interest in Evangel Christian Academy. I am so glad you are here! I know that choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions a parent can make, and that there are many choices out there. As a parent myself, I know you are not only looking for a place where your student can grow academically, but you are also looking for a
warm, caring environment that balances high academic standards while meeting  your child’s
spiritual and emotional needs. I believe the Middle School at ECA is that place.

The atmosphere at ECA is Christ-centered and focused on helping each student grow into who God is calling them to be both now and in the future. We are careful to partner with parents and their church to educate, equip, and empower our students. We take this partnership seriously and desire to help students grow in wisdom and virtue and love for God and their neighbor. We want them to love their studies, to delight in who God has made them to be, and to share God’s love with others through service in the community.

We have a dedicated staff of caring teachers who are trained to not only deliver a rich and vigorous curriculum, but to carefully consider how that curriculum is taught. We believe that all students are made in the image of God, and that makes each student unique. The Middle School teachers consider this natural uniqueness as they plan and deliver engaging lessons
designed to spark interest, maintain engagement, and help students love to learn. Our teachers love Middle School students and excel at caring for and helping each student to be successful and to grow academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

Faith is integrated into each subject that we teach, and we view faith as the foundation of all knowledge, wisdom, and truth. Together God, parents, students, and teachers work as partners in every student’s growth. This partnership forms a powerful community united in the belief that the gospel of Jesus Christ and excellent academics will best prepare your student for the future.

Thank you for taking the time to investigate what makes the Middle School at ECA so special.

Please contact us for more information and a tour of our campus.

In Christ,

Leigh Jones
Assistant Principal, Middle School